Iran: Workers protesting in Qazvin, Shiraz and Ahwaz

File photo: Workers protest in Iran


International Workers’ Day – No. 6
NCRI – On the occasion of the International Workers’ Day, thousands of workers have staged protests against their living standards and hardships and calling for their minimum rights.

In Qazvin, up to 8,000 workers have staged a gathering in the city’s sports stadium chanting “Workers, Unite, Unite”. They carry banners asking for annulment of the decision to close their factory and demanding payments of their unpaid salaries for the past seven months and the New Year bonuses for the past two Iranian New Years.

In Shiraz, hundreds of workers including the workers of “Fars Meat Industries” and “Ramak Milk Industries” have gathered in front of the Governor’s office. Workers of the long distance communications, who have not received their salaries for the past 13 months, also have participated in this protest. They carry a banner that reads “Imam Ali’s just rule, shame on you, shame on you”. This refers to the Iranian regime’s claim to be alike the Shiite Imam Ali’s just rule.

This demonstration has been surrounded by Iranian Security forces and other suppressive forces. Security forces have blocked the road to prevent people from joining the workers’ protest.

In Ahwaz, a group of workers of the Pipe Mill have gathered in front of the regime’s Labor Office to protest. They are holding a banner which says, “We will die from hunger but we will not accept to be humiliated”.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran- Paris
May 1, 2010

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