Iran: Widespread Student Strikes, Protests, and Strikes in Different Cities on the 37th Day of Nationwide Uprising


Iran Protest-No. 72

On the 37th day of the nationwide uprising on Saturday, October 22, students in different Universities across Iran staged strikes and demonstrations. Some of the Universities included Tehran, Sharif, Allamah, Art, Melli, Science and Culture, Medical Sciences of Tabriz, Jondishapur Medical in Ahvaz, Ardakan in  Yazd, Yasouj, Mohajer in Isfahan, Yazd Faculty of Art and Architecture, Isfahan Dentistry, Mazandaran, Hamedan Medical Sciences, and the Razi in Kermanshah.

The students at Melli University chanted, “All these years of crime, death to this velayat, (Khamenei),” and “Beware of the day we take up arms.” The students at Mazandaran University confronted the security forces and Basiji, chanting, “Free all political prisoners.” Sharif University students chanted, “students cry out for your rights.” Razi University students chanted: “rootless Basij, shame on you,” and Tehran University’s technical faculty students, while marching, chanted, “Cannons, tanks, and machine guns are no longer effective; tell my mother she no longer has a daughter.”

Simultaneously, students and young people in some districts of Tehran protested, chanting, “Death to the dictator,” and cars in the traffic joined them by honking their horns. The youth in Mashhad demonstrated in Kowthar Street, chanting, “Have no fear; we are all together.”

This morning, Sanandaj, Saqqez, Baneh, Bukan, Mahabad, Marivan, and many other cities witnessed a massive market strike. The mobile trades market on Jumouhri Street in Tehran and the shopkeepers and truck drivers of Marvdasht, Rezvanshahr, Isfahan, and Saveh Road also went on strike. The workers of the Aydin chocolate factory in Tabriz went on strike, and in response to the officials who wanted to end their strike chanted, “Shame on you! Shame on you.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

October 22, 2022

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