Iran: Widespread arrests in fear of uprising on Fire Festival

File Photo: Every year Fire Festival turns into show of popular revulsion against the mullahs' regimeIran Fire Festival protests – 3

NCRI – In fear of anti-regime protests during the Fire Festival, the clerical regime has embarked on widespread arrests in Tehran and cities across Iran. The move follows a series of repressive measures in recent days prior to the Fire Festival.

In a hollow show of force, the Fars news agency, affiliated to the Revolutionary Guards Corps, quoted the "Public Relations of Tehran's Public Prosecutor," as saying: "In a series of complicated security operations in the field of communications and information technology, some elements of an organized U.S. cyber war network were identified and 30 of them were arrested."

The mullahs' judiciary continued with its fabricated lies: "Just during the recent events C.I.A. has used such cyber networks to produce and distribute over 70 million anti-filtering software and has organized a large scale psychological war against the Islamic Republic of Iran… Simultaneous with the expansion of activities by the network, in a coordinated move by some European countries, the Monafeqin [derogatory term used by mullahs against the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK)] was removed from the list of terrorist organizations… The members of the network which include some followers of an outlaw sect attract new members through Internet and later transfer them to PMOI camp in Iraq and other countries to receive training.” (Fars news agency, March 13)

A week earlier, Keyhan, a daily associated with the mullahs' Supreme Leader, wrote: “Among the evident characteristics of riots by the movements opposing the Islamic Revolution, are their duplication slogans and songs chanted by PMOI that broadcast over satellites.  In some student gatherings, we witness chants of slogans such as: 'We are fighting women and men, let’s fight on.'" Keyhan added, “Extensive propaganda by Persian language media broadcast from abroad and particularly by the PMOI terrorist grouplet network for instigating riots in universities and then sending the protesters into society to have civil movement join them …”  are intended to “pressure the Islamic Republic government to back down on its objectives and goals.” (Keyhan daily, March  6)
The Mullahs’ regime by using arbitrary arrests and adopting suppressive measures while linking Iranian people’s nationwide uprising to foreign powers tries in vain to prevent the uprising.  These actions will only embolden people’s determination to overthrow the clerical regime ruling in Iran.

The Iranian Resistance calls on all human rights organizations, particularly the relevant bodies at the United Nations such as the High Commissioner for Human Rights and UN Special Rapporteur on arbitrary detention and torture, to condemn widespread arrests in past days. It also demands immediate action to save the lives of political prisoners and the detained protesters.  

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 15, 2010

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