Iran: We deal with mohareb grouplets with no mercy – Mullahs’ judiciary chief

NCRI – In response to widespread domestic and international outrage expressed against brutal hanging of two political prisoners, Sadeq Larijani, head of the clerical regime’s Judiciary, described the heinous crime as being in compliance with “law, fairness and justice” and said, “the Judiciary will act decisively in dealing with mohareb (waging war on God) grouplets and will have no mercy.”

His remarks came few days after the hanging of two political prisoners last week who were detained long before the June elections and one of them, Arash Rahmanipour, was only 19 during his detention. According to his lawyer – who was not allowed into the court during the trial – many of the charges attributed to him go back to when he was under 18. His pregnant sister was also arrested together with him. Due to the pressures she sustained in prison, she had a miscarriage after her release.

The clerical regime has so far sentenced 11 to death charged with mohareb and a number of other prisoners are being tried for the same charge. The so called prosecutor of the regime has read out their charges as: “Moharebeh (waging war on God) through supporting the PMOI and having links with it; organizing gathering and collusion with the intention of committing offences against the security of the country … publicity activities against the state establishment and in favor of the enemies, Monafeqin (derogatory term used by the regime for PMOI), terrorists and …”

On January 18, Salalvati, mullahs’ prosecutor said: “Since the core of the PMOI has not been eradicated, Article 186 of the Islamic Punishment Act would still apply to the PMOI.” In accordance with this article, “As long as the core of that organization remains in place, all of its members and supporters … are mohareb [enemies of God], even if they are not involved in its armed wing.”

The Iranian Resistance calls on all international lawyers, jurists and judges associations and unions across the world to condemn mullahs’ regime, its medieval law and the Judiciary which is nothing but the machinery for suppression, torture and execution. It also calls on the United Nations Secretary General and the Security Council to adopt urgent and binding decisions to stop the criminal trend in Iran.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 2, 2010

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