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Iran: University students in Tehran herald Khamenei’s downfall this month in their chants

 NCRI – Students of Iran University of Science and Technology (ISTU) staged a protest on Tuesday expressing their opposition to the clerical rule by chanting anti-regime slogans.
Students chanted: "Shame on you, the dictator, God bless your sole Montazeri," "This month is month of bloodshed, Yazid [Khamenei] will fall," "Montazeri's will; down with dictatorship," "The victory is close, down with deceitful government," "Rape, killing [are the regime's record], death to clerical rule" and "Down with dictator."

They also chanted "Dear Kianoosh, your path is continued" to honor the memory of Kianoosh Asa, a chemical engineering graduate student who lost his life during the early days of the nationwide uprising of the Iranian people.

In the past two days, students in various universities across the country have turned memorial services for Mr. Montazeri’s death into anti-regime protests rejecting the clerical regime in its entirety by their slogans. Some of the universities were Sharif Industrial University and School of Law in Melli University in Tehran, University of Shiraz, Industrial School of Sahand in Tabriz and Technical University of Razi in Kermanshah.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 22, 2009