Iran: Undeclared martial law on the day of approval of Ahmadinejad’s presidency

National Council of Resistance of Iran


Nationwide uprising – Statement 133

NCRI – According to reports obtained from the Social Headquarters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) inside Iran, on Monday, August 3, the Iranian regime’s suppressive forces have been put on alert to confront the pre-announced demonstrations of the people of Tehran in protest to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s endorsement as the mullahs’ tenth president.

In an undeclared martial law, the clerical regime has stationed anti-riot units, State Security Forces (SSF) agents, paramilitary Bassij Forces and plainclothes agents in all major squares, streets and locations in Tehran, including Enghelab Square, University of Tehran, and streets leading to these areas. The suppressive forces are keeping the locations under intense control.

Despite the heavy atmosphere of repression in Tehran, more than 100 of relatives of detainees arrested during the nationwide uprising staged a gathering in front of the mullahs’ Revolutionary Court in Moallem Street to protest against the arrest of their loved ones and the regime’s refusal to respond to them after being kept in limbo for almost two months.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 3, 2009

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