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Iran: Torching Posters of Soleimani and Bassij Base Amid Regime’s Street Circus

Iran: Torching Posters of Soleimani and Bassij Base Amid Regime’s Street Circus
Iran, January 7: Defiant youth torched Soleimani’s posters in Tehran and other cities

While the clerical regime’s circus regarding Qassem Soleimani, the notorious terrorist Qods Force commander, and the roadshow with his corps continues, in the early hours of this morning, defiant youth torched Soleimani’s posters in Tehran and other cities, including Karaj, Bandar Abbas, and Yassouj.

Simultaneously, the base for the paramilitary Bassij force in Lordegan, western Iran, was set ablaze.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

January 7, 2020

Tehran – Khavaran


Bandar Abbas


Lordegan – Paramilitary Bassij base