Iran: To Prevent the Transport of the Repressive Forces, Defiant Youths Block Roads

Behbahan – Blocking the highway from Behbahan to Amir Hatef – July 21, 2021
Behbahan – Blocking the highway from Behbahan to Amir Hatef – July 21, 2021

Iran protests for water – No. 9

To prevent the transport of the repressive forces

defiant youths block Roads Behbahan-Gachsaran, Behbahan-Amir Hatef, Behbahan-Bandar Deylam, Ahvaz-Masjed Soleyman, Shush, Bushehr, Azna, Aluni highway


Defiant youths in different cities of Khuzestan Province and surrounding cities blocked transportation highways last night to prevent the dispatch of IRGC, and the State Security Force (SSF) to the restive cities. Last night, in Behbahan, defiant youths blocked the Behbahan-Gachsaran, and Behbahan to Amir-Hatef highways by setting fire to tires and creating roadblocks in a show of support for the uprising in Khuzestan.

In footages broadcast from the scenes, the defiant youths say that in response to the call by Mr. Massoud Rajavi, the leader of the Iranian Resistance, they have risen up to support the uprising of the people of Khuzestan over the lack of water.

In Shush, defiant youths blocked the city’s main highway by burning tires. In the town of Fazilat, the youth in Bushehr also closed the transportation road in support of the Khuzestan uprising against water shortages. Last night, the youth similarly blocked the highway from Aluni to Lordegan. Also, in Azna, Lorestan Province, defiant youths blocked the highway in support of the uprising, by setting tires on fire. Highways in Ahvaz – Masjed Soleyman and Behbahan – Bandar Deylam were also blocked by the rebellious youth in support of the Khuzestan uprising.

On Thursday morning, at the Kushan-Genaveh junction, the youth blocked the main highway by burning tires to protest against the lack of water and support the people of Khuzestan.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)
July 22, 2021

Behbahan – Defiant youths, block the highway to Gachsaran in solidarity with the Khuzestan uprising- “In response to Massoud (Rajavi)’s call, we the defiant youths rise up in support of the uprising- Behbahan. From the brave Behbahan, Gachsaran-Behbahan highway” – July 21, 2021
Bushehr – The main highway to the city – July 21, 2021
Shush – Blocking the main highway to the city – July 21, 2021
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