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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestIran: Three young prisoners hanged in Ghaemshahr and Hamedan

Iran: Three young prisoners hanged in Ghaemshahr and Hamedan

Execution in public in IranMullah’s resume barbaric practice of hanging in public

NCRI – Iranian regime’s henchmen hanged a 24-year-old man in public on Sunday in the northern city of Gaemshahr, state-run daily Kayhan reported today. The prisoner, who was identified by his initial as A. B., was hanged near Velayat Square in the city.

Meanwhile, two other prisoners were hanged in Hamedan’s prison, northwestern Iran, on Saturday, the state-run website ISCANEWS reported on November 14. They were identified by their first name as Habib, 21, and Mohammad who was serving his obligatory national military training at the time of his arrest.

The latest public hanging took place against a directive issued in February 2008, where the speaker of the Iranian regime’s judiciary announced a moratorium on public hangings. Following the nationwide uprising in the country, the Iranian regime is increasingly using death sentences to intimidate the society, particularly young people, and to this end, barbaric practice of public hanging has been resumed.

The Iranian Resistance calls on all Human Rights Organizations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and  the  UN  Rapporteur on Executions to take immediate measures to stop the executions and in particular the public hangings in Iran. 

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 16, 2009