Iran: Three protesters killed, more wounded by bullet in central Tehran

Nationwide uprising – Ashura 15

Three young protesters were killed as the State Security Forces opened fire at Sunday's anti-regime protests in Tehran's College Intersection. A number of others were wounded. People severely clashed between people and members of Basij, IRGC and Special units. 

Another young man was killed in Vali Asr Street an hour earlier.

Nationwide uprising – Ashura 15

Three young protesters were killed as the State Security Forces opened fire at Sunday's anti-regime protests in Tehran's College Intersection. A number of others were wounded. People severely clashed between people and members of Basij, IRGC and Special units. 

Another young man was killed in Vali Asr Street an hour earlier.

The heavy clashes continue in Imam Hossein Square. Regime's agents attacked people using batons, pepper gas and tear gas. Basij and plainclothes agents attacked people's houses who they suspect of giving refuge to the escaping protesters.

In Pol-e Choubi districts, SSF clashed with people. Anti-regime protesters responded by hurling stones.

In other areas of Tehran including Vesal-Shirazi and Nawab streets and Hor Square, angry crowds chant anti-regime slogans.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, described Sunday's uprising as a clear signal of the inevitable and imminent downfall of the despicable clerical regime. 

Mrs. Rajavi paid homage to those killed by the suppressive forces today and called on all Iranians to honor the martyrs and demonstrate their solidarity and support for the families of the martyrs and political prisoners.

Mrs. Rajavi reminded the international community that the appeasement of the medieval regime are futile and will only embolden the mullahs in their suppression and killing of the Iranian people.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 27, 2009

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