Iran: Thousands Rally in Tehran Protesting Poor Living Conditions


Thousands of employees and retires from all walks of life, including teachers, nurses, employees of various government institutions, factory workers and steel industry workers, joined by individuals whose deposits have been plundered by state-run financial institutions, staged rallies outside the Iranian regime’s parliament in Tehran.

The demonstrators gathered in Tehran from cities across Iran, including the provinces of Tehran, Alborz, Central, Isfahan, Mazandaran, Khorasan Razavi, North and South Khorasan and Khuzistan.

The rally was held despite closure of the metro leading to the parliament on Sunday morning by authorities and dispatch of a large group of anti-riot forces to prevent the formation of any protest rally.

“No nation has seen such injustice,” “Shout, shout all this injustice,” “Rouhani, Rouhani, shame on you, start thinking about us,” “No management, no hope, it’s all lies and forgery,” “Release all detained teachers,” “Release all jailed workers,” “It’s all grief today, retirement pensions stolen by mullahs,” “Won’t rest until our rights are realized,” “It’s all grief today, a worker’s life is destroyed,” they chanted.

The demonstrators also chanted “Decent living conditions and a home is our right,” demanding their unpaid wages. Millions of deprived retired Iranians, and their families, are desperately attempting to make ends meet with retirement pensions worth one million tomans (around $285) a month. The Iranian regime has set the poverty line as close to four million tomans (around $1,150) a month.

As security measures increased, the protesters chanted, “Hey police, go catch the thieves.”

The Iranian Resistance calls on all Iranians, especially the youths, to support their deprived fellow countrymen protesting poor living conditions.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 10, 2017

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