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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestIran: Thousands of Tehran residents demonstrate in Vanak and Vali Asr squares

Iran: Thousands of Tehran residents demonstrate in Vanak and Vali Asr squares

Anti-government protest in Iran - June 20, 2009Nationwide uprising in Iran – Statement 120

NCRI – On the 43rd day of nationwide uprising, thousands of Tehran residents demonstrated in Vanak and Vali Asr squares against the clerical regime today according to Social Headquarters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) inside Iran.

Demonstrators were chanting “Shame on State Security Forces” and “Death to the dictator” as they were marching at the junction of Mir-Damad and Vali Asr at about 19:00 local time. The anti-riot and other suppressive forces attacked thousands of demonstrators in Vanak Square at about 19:30 and brutally beat people. A group of anti-riot forces savagely beat a 17-year-old girl and handed her over to the plainclothes forces. The suppressive forces attacked the angry people who protested against their brutality and beat them with batons.

The regime’s forces smashed windscreens and the lights of the cars whose drivers protested against the regime. They also took number plates of these cars to prosecute owners of the cars at a later stage.

The suppressive forces attacked people in streets and alleys around Vanak Square and forced them to disperse by beating them. They also forced the shops to close in order to prevent people from gathering in the area. Agents riding on motors were patrolling the area and forcing people to move away.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 25, 2009