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Iran: The Orders, Frameworks Outlined by IRGC’s Commander-in-Chief from the Security Forces Head Quarters to the IRGC’s Provincial Commanders

The National Council of Resistance of Iran – Committee on Security and Counterterrorism
The National Council of Resistance of Iran – Committee on Security and Counterterrorism

Number 6

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Owing to weakness in the field, the enemy has resorted extensively to divisionary operations, particularly against bases affiliated with the IRGC.

By targeted arresting the leaders of the riots in the field, eradicate the enemy’s most important sources on the ground.

Make use of the media’s full potential to implement the Jihad of Explanation.

On Saturdays, marked by the enemy as the day of fire and rage to call for protests, you must greatly expand the country’s geographical security and ensure the prevention of any gathering.

Document No. 7 [The B section is excluded in this document]

Date: October 16, 2022
IRGC General Command
To the IRGC’s provincial commanders
Highly classified
Subject: Notification of meeting approvals

This directive, which represents the ratifications of Imam Ali Headquarters [Central Command charged with cracking down on the uprising across provinces] on October 13, 2022, is presented for implementation.

A:  Situational Assessment

  1. The enemy is focused on disrupting the energy sector. Provinces with an active energy sector should focus on preventing any problem in this regard.
  2. Despite receiving agreed salaries from the government, some contractors have refused to pay the workers’ wages. Immediate measures should be taken to pay the workers’ backpay.
  3. The enemy opts for the production and transportation system to damage the economy. Therefore, provinces that are effective in the transportation and trucking industry should envision preventive measures in this regard.
  4.  Owing to weakness in the field, the enemy has heavily resorted to sabotage actions, particularly against the IRGC bases affiliated with the IRGC.


C: Ratifications

  1. Regarding the aforementioned assessment about taking preventive measures and arrangements, particularly in the energy, labor, production, and transportation sectors, as well as general social services, proceed in order to start a peaceful week with the objective of eradicating sedition.
  2. Take preventive measures based on the following three actions concerning protests by teachers and students:

– Fully brief school principals regarding the enemies’ plots to deceive the new generation of students.

– Brief teachers on their educative mission and how to guide students based on convincing documents to show the enemies’ conspiracies against the new generation. The undermining schools identify is a global conspiracy.

– Guide the students in briefings and insightful sessions regarding the enemy’s conspiracies as well as the consequences of breaking norms.

  1. Seek and identify the sources of public provocation and neutralize them with foresight, patience, and Jihad of Explanation.

– By targeted arrest of the leaders at the scene of the riots, eliminate the enemy’s most important starting point sources on the ground.

– Make use of the media’s full potential to implement the Jihad of Explanation. First, neutralize the enemy’s efforts, then take decisive countermeasures.

  1. Concerning labor protests, market strikes, and sit-ins, adopt preventive measures based on the following considerations:

– Hold briefings with the managers of industrial institutions, trade unions, elders of trade guilds, and representatives of different social strata and emphasize the continuation of services to the public.

– The IRGC Intelligence Organization and the IRGC’s provincial commanders should follow up on the workers’ arrears and pay them as soon as possible to prevent the enemy from abducting their righteous protests.

  1. According to the assigned mission, the call and deployment of troops should be planned accordingly to prevent their quantitative and qualitative wear and tear.
  2. On Saturdays, marked by the enemy as the day of fire and rage and call for protests, you have to largely expand the country’s security geography and make sure to prevent any rallies and gatherings. The so-called “Saturday” is a muscle-flexing effort by the helpless enemy. Taking precautions should persist, and continued readiness is very important.
  3. Eliminate the full-fledged global conspiracy against the revolution with your steadfastness and a combination of logic and providing scientific reasons, using the Jihad of Explanation, physical control, intelligence operation, psychological operation, cyber warfare, and cognitive war.
  4. The measures announced in the issued ratifications and announcements are especially emphasized in the following cases:

–  Not carrying and using firearms and lethal weapons in quelling operations.

– The Basij and FRAJA [the Farsi acronym for the State Security Force Command] should not enter universities, schools, and education centers.

–  Fully brief the forces to the lowest ranks.

–  Targeted arrest of the enemy’s effective elements: Individuals who have been staying on the field during the past 25 days represent act as the engine for the rioters. Therefore, arrest and neutralize them.

  1. One who acts on the ground wins. Now, it is time for foresight. Neutralize the enemy’s conspiracies by revolutionary rhetoric and actions, the Jihad of Explanation, offering wisdom, and using influential people and renowned clerics, etc. Patiently return the youth to the revolution’s front, those who went over to the opponent based on emotions.

IRGC Maj. Gen. Hossein Salami, Commander in Chief of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps and Commander of the Imam Ali Security Center Headquarters


National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

Security and Counterterrorism Committee

October 25, 2022