Iran: Tehran Residents Honored Martyr Hamid Reza Rouhi

Iran Protest-No. 208

Attack on a police patrol in Zahedan on the 105th night of the uprising

On Thursday evening, December 29, the 105th night of the uprising, in Shariati Street and the Punak neighborhood of Tehran, the cries of “Death to Khamenei” echoed from the residential buildings. Tehran residents gathered outside Hamidreza Rouhi’s house to pay tribute to him on his 40th day of martyrdom. The defiant youths torched the banners of Qassem Soleimani, former Quds force Commander, on the Yadegar Highway in Tehran and in Fardis of Karaj. On Thursday morning, young people in Tehran set fire to the office of the Basij at North Tehran Azad University with Molotov cocktails.

Simultaneous with memorial ceremonies of martyrs in Tehran, Dehgolan, Izeh, Marvdasht, Semirom, and Ahvaz, the people of Qazvin attended the memorial ceremony of Mehrdad Malek chanting “Death to the child-killer rulers.” Mehrdad Malek, a 17-year-old teenager, was killed on Monday, December 26, when agents of the State Security Force (SSF) opened fire on the car in which he was going home.

On Thursday evening, SSF patrol was attacked by youths on the Zahedan beltway and at least one of the agents was injured. In Qom, a state-affiliated clergy was attacked and wounded by youths on Darvazeh Ray street.


Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

December 30, 2022

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