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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestIran: Suppressive forces violently attack tens of thousands of protestors in Tehran

Iran: Suppressive forces violently attack tens of thousands of protestors in Tehran

National Council of Resistance of IranNationwide uprising in Iran – Statement 39

Several killed by Revolutionary Guards gunfire

The Iranian regime’s suppressive forces violently attacked tens of thousands of protestors gathered at Tehran’s Rezaiha (Haft-Tir) Square on Monday at 19:30 local time. Low-altitude flying helicopters belonging to the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) are hovering over the protestors. A group of protestors holding a candle light vigil continue to resist attacks by the regime’s forces. The mullahs’ agents seek to disperse the population by firing tear gas and using pepper spray.

The clashes occurred in a vast area covering streets surrounding Rezaiha Square. Young people in groups of several hundreds are attacking the suppressive forces using stones, forcing them to retreat.

IRGC snipers positioned on surrounding rooftops opened fire on the protestors. At least six people were killed by gunfire, according to preliminary reports. In the course of the conflict around Rezaiha Square, several government buildings were set on fire.

In nearby areas, the regime’s suppressive forces attacked protestors, especially women and even those who had taken refuge at a mosque. Several young people who were recording the scenes have been arrested.

Thousands of people have also gathered in other parts of the capital, including Enghelab Square, Fatemi Square, Sadeghieh Square, Vali-e Asr Street, Azadi Street, and Abbasabad district.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 22, 2009