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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestIran: Suppressive forces put on full alert around Khamenei's residence

Iran: Suppressive forces put on full alert around Khamenei’s residence

KhameneniNationwide uprising – Statement 136

NCRI – According to reports obtained from the Social Headquarters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) inside Iran, fearing popular protests today, the clerical regime has devoted the paramilitary Bassij bases of Meghdad, Zahra Corps, and Sarallah Brigades, in addition to Ashoura Battalions, for the suppression of today’s protests by the people of Tehran. The regime has put all its forces on alert since yesterday afternoon.

These forces have been stationed around Pastour Square and the mullahs’ Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei’s residence and are tasked with securing the area. The special guard forces and the State Security Forces (SSF) are providing back up.

Since the early hours of this morning, large numbers of suppressive forces, including special units’ agents on motorcycles, were fully equipped at the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) base at Kargar Jonoubi Street between Pastour Square and Hor Square, and were prepared to attack protestors.

At junctures close to Hor, Pastour, and Enghelab Squares, and on Jomhouri Street and Vali Asr Street between Jomhouri Street and so-called Khomeini Street, special units and SSF agents were stationed with Samand vehicles and minivans equipped with front shields. SSF forces equipped with batons and other suppressive weapons were standing close together in these areas.

Traffic was banned on the so-called Khomeini Street from Hor Square towards Imam Ali University, Azerbaijan Street, 12 Farvardin, Ordibehesht, Palestine Jonoubi, Daneshgah Street and other streets leading to government centers and Khamenei’s residence. Walking on Palestine Street was banned as well.

Plainclothes agents on motorbikes patrolling streets continue to intimidate people.

The agents even prevent people from lining up at bus stations. Cars have been banned in many city streets.

The clerical regime is attempting to prevent protestors from leaking out news about the protests by disconnecting mobiles phones starting with 0999. Internet connections have been disrupted at city center and Karimkhan, Enghelab, and Abbasabad streets. Restrictions on communications will continue until Ahmadinejad’s inaururation on Wednesday.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 3, 2009