Iran: Suppressive forces clash with workers



International Workers’ Day – No. 9

NCRI – At 13:30 local time in Tehran, the State Security Forces attacked some 40 workers who were trying to join the May Day demonstrations as they were moving through Navab Street towards Azadi Street. The defenseless workers resisted when they were attacked and beaten with iron bars and batons. Two workers had to be taken to hospital for emergency treatment.

At 11:00, the agents of the State Security Forces, Revolutionary Guards and Bassij paramilitary attacked passersby at the junction of Behboudi and Azadi Streets. They are trying to prevent gatherings by beating people and making arrests.

Baharestan, Toupkhaneh, Vali Asr and Azadi squares is filled with Bassiji and SSF agents and their vehicles. Plainclothes agents in their black cars are roaming across central parts of Tehran.

On the west side of Azadi Square a check point has been set up at the entry point to the square and the agents are checking every single vehicle.  

A unit from the command of the SSF, which has been stationed in a trailer in Daneshjou Park since two days ago is controlling the city.

At the end of Molavi Street which is an entry point to Tehran, a check point has been set up to control traffic into the capital.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 1, 2010

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