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Iran: Suppressive forces cause bloodshed at Tehran University

National Council of Resistance of Iran16 students injured, many others arrested

Agents of the suppressive State Security Forces (SSF) on Sunday evening raided and caused bloodshed at the dormitory of the University of Tehran. They arrested and injured many of the students and destroyed many parts of the buildings and equipment.

Students from the dormitory had begun their protest at 21:15 and chanted slogans in Kargar Shomali Street and Amir-Abad Street. They chanted: “We don’t want a coup d’etat leader”, “death to the dictator”, “Seyed Ali Pinochet, Iran will never be like Chile” [Seyed Ali refers to the mullahs’ Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei], “Coup leader must be killed”, “Death to the treacherous government”, and “Valiant people, support us”.
Armed suppressive forces besieged the dormitory at about 11 pm and attacked the students with sound grenades, pepper-spray, guns, knives and batons. Students used stones in self defence.

Suppressive agents of the Revolutionary Guards entered all the buildings and rooms there, assaulting the students, wrecking their personal items and arrested many of them.

During the attack at least 16 students, including five female students, received serious injuries and many others were arrested. One of the injured is in critical condition. Two others were injured in the eye and risk losing their sight.

The siege of the university dormitory continues, and students continue to be arrested.

The Iranian Resistance calls on all international human rights organizations and student unions to condemn these barbaric acts of suppression and calls for urgent and binding measures to secure the release of the arrested students.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 15, 2009