Iran: Suppressive forces attack protestors in Baharestan Square

Tehran - Aughust 5, 2009Nationwide uprising – Statement 139

NCRI – According to the social department of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), since this morning, simultaneous with the inauguration of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in the mullahs’ Majlis, despite the security forces creating a security perimeter in front of and in the vicinity of the Majlis, residents of Tehran protested in Baharestan Square and suppressive forces clashed with people.

Despite the heavy presence of the regime’s suppressive forces in Baharestan Square and nearby streets, residents of Tehran are moving toward the square. The regime’s agents prevent people from stopping in the Square, and in cases where people protest at this treatment, they attack them with batons.

In order to prevent people from turning up in Baharestan Square, the regime’s agents have since this morning closed the Mellat-Baharestan metro station and trains do not stop there. Bus lines that go to Baharestan Square such as those going from Enghelab-Baharestan and Azadi-Baharestan have been halted.

Various suppressive forces of the regime, including the special guard, Revolutionary Guards, State Security Force, paramilitary Bassij, and plainclothes agents have been deployed both on foot and in vehicles in Baharestan Square and the entire vicinity and they are ready to attack the people. Several fire engines have been stationed at a section of the square to shoot water on protestors. Two fire engines have also been stationed in the northern and eastern parts of the square.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 5, 2009

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