Iran: Suppressive forces attack Evin protestor’s Iftar ceremony

Evin Prison


Nationwide uprising – Statement 158

NCRI – On Wednesday evening, the Iranian regime’s suppressive forces attacked a gathering of families of political prisoners and detainees of the recent uprisings outside Tehran’s Evin prison, as they were about to break their fast, Iftar, at the sunset along with a group of university graduates who had joined them to express their solidarity with political prisoners. The forces, which were amassed in the area hours before the event, attacked the participants while they were sitting on the ground preparing to break their fast at the sunset. They were brutally beaten and dragging away by the regime’s forces in order to prevent the event from going ahead.

For about an hour they did not allow other people to join this event. Subsequently, a number of participants broke their fast and had their Iftar (dinner) along with families of political prisoners by gathering a few hundred meters away from the prison gate on the edge of a nearby highway. A number of passersby joined the gathering to express their support to this protest act.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 4, 2009


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