Iran: Students uprising in universities across the country

Anti-government protest in Tehran, Dec. 7, 2009Nationwide uprising – Students Day – No. 11

NCRI – Courageous nationwide uprising to mark Students Day took place while suppressive forces were stationed in force inside universities and various places in every city. They tried to prevent a nationwide upheaval in any way they could.

In Kermanshah, students from Technical School of Razi University staged a protest while chanting, “Political prisoners must be released,” “Down with dictator,” and “Neither Gaza, nor Lebanon, I give my life for Iran.”

Nationwide uprising – Students Day – No. 11

NCRI – Courageous nationwide uprising to mark Students Day took place while suppressive forces were stationed in force inside universities and various places in every city. They tried to prevent a nationwide upheaval in any way they could.

In Kermanshah, students from Technical School of Razi University staged a protest while chanting, “Political prisoners must be released,” “Down with dictator,” and “Neither Gaza, nor Lebanon, I give my life for Iran.”

In Azad University of Najaf Abad students chanted, “Down with Khamenei,” “Down with Ahmadijejad” and “Don’t want nuclear, we are tired of clerical rule.” Some 300 intelligence agents attacked the students but faced with students stiff resistance.

Students from Isfahan University of Technology staged a demonstration while chanting anti-regime slogans. The regime’s agents closed the university gate in order to prevent students from joining the people demonstrating outside.

In the city of Ghazvin, about 800 students of International University staged a protest chanting “Death to dictator” and “Allahu Akbar.”

Hormuzgan University students also staged a rally where they chanted anti-government slogans and singing patriotic songs.

Azad University students in the city of Maraghe disrupted a speech planned for a mullah by Basijis and started chanting anti-government slogans.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 7, 2009

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