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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestIran: Students' Protests in Various Cities on the Occasion of 'Student Day'

Iran: Students’ Protests in Various Cities on the Occasion of ‘Student Day’


 December 6th protests- 1

Students chanted: “Student dies, but does not accept humiliation”, “political prisoners must be freed”

On the occasion of Student Day (December 6th) students of universities in various cities staged demonstrations and protest gatherings to express their anger towards the mullahs’ regime.

In Tabriz, the students staged a gathering in front of the university despite the widespread presence of intelligence and plainclothes agents of the regime. They chanted, “Our last message to the incompetent regime: the freedom- loving nation is ready to rise up!”

Zahedan university students also chanted in the ceremony held on December 5: “Student dies, but does not accept humiliation” and “political prisoner must be freed”. State officials prevented free entry of the students in order to prevent the formation of student protests.

On the same day, the students of Tehran ‘Tarbiat Modarres” University repeatedly interrupted the speech of Ma’soumeh Ebtekar, head of the Department of Environment of Rouhani, and chanted: “Political prisoner must be freed”. In protest at the catastrophic situation of air pollution in various cities, the students presented oxygen cylinder to Ma’soumeh Ebtekar.

Students of ‘Khajeh Nasir University’ in Tehran wrote on large banners that were installed on the walls of the amphitheater: “University is not a garrison, our university is alive”, “political prisoner must be freed”.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 6, 2016