Iran: Students protest against using surveillance cameras in Mazandaran University

NCRI- On Sunday, students protested against installation of surveillance cameras on the campus of Mazandaran University south of the Caspian Sea.
Students petitioning against installation of the monitoring devices on the university campus clashed with the school's security guards. The chief of the security at Mazandaran University threatened the protesters with hauling them before the school's disciplinary committee.

The security guards beat up a number of students from nearby Nowshirvani Technical School who had joined the petitioning and forced two of them out of the campus. 
In March a similar move of setting up surveillance cameras on the campus of Shiraz University in southern city of Shiraz triggered strong reactions from the students.

The Iranian Resistance calls on all international human rights organizations especially student unions to condemn the mullahs' regime for adopting suppressive measure against the Mazandaran University students. It also calls for defending their rights.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 21, 2008 

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