Iran: Students hold widespread anti-government demonstration in Shiraz University

NCRI – Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, lauded the student uprising in Shiraz University and reiterated that widespread student uprising which is spreading to other universities across the country is indicative of the Iranian people’s deep-seated anger and hatred towards the religious fascism ruling Iran and the people’s desire for an end to the illegitimate regime in Tehran.

More than 1,500 students, for the second day in the row, held anti-government demonstration on Shiraz University campus in southern Iran yesterday.

NCRI – Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, lauded the student uprising in Shiraz University and reiterated that widespread student uprising which is spreading to other universities across the country is indicative of the Iranian people’s deep-seated anger and hatred towards the religious fascism ruling Iran and the people’s desire for an end to the illegitimate regime in Tehran.

More than 1,500 students, for the second day in the row, held anti-government demonstration on Shiraz University campus in southern Iran yesterday.

They shouted, "Long live freedom," "No matter what happens, we stand to the end."

The students paid no heed to the State Security Forces (SSF) surrounding the campus and chanted, "We will not live in shame." Students took over the school’s administration building demanding the university chancellor’s resignation.

The students who had begun their protests on Monday 12:00 noon, held an over night sit-in in the administration building and the school’s mosque. They also held a candle light vigil and responded to the crowd which had gathered outside the university in support of their protest.

Yesterday, the students held their demonstration in Aram Square in the heart of the city.  They chanted, "We don’t want a Passdar (a member of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)) as our chancellor," "Freedom loving people, support us."

In the course of the demonstration, students took over the office of school’s chancellor. He had to flee the premises in fear of the students’ anger.

Local residents gathered in solidarity with the students in the Jomhouri Boulevard adjacent to the Shiraz University.

The SSF units fearing that the local residents might join the protesting students completely sealed off the area, according to the latest information received from the Resistance’s sources in Iran.  

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 26, 2008

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