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Iran: Spreading Protests in Different Cities of the Country


On Saturday, September 16, nearly two thousand retired civil servants including teachers from the provinces of Tehran, Alborz, Isfahan, Central, South Khorasan, North Khorasan, Khorasan Razavi, Gilan, Mazandaran, Kermanshah, in protest to their difficult livelihood protested in front of Vahdat Hall in Tehran. They chanted: “Tyranny and oppression is enough, our table is empty”, “We do not stand still until we get our rights”, “One less embezzlement, our problem is solved”. On the banners that were carried by the protesters, it was written: “Rouhani, Rouhani, implement your promises.” Police forces surrounded the rally to prevent the spread of the rally.

Hundreds of retired army personnel also protested in front of the office of the mullahs’ President, Rouhani, in Tehran. They mocked the deceptive slogans of Rouhani and chanted: “The government of prudence and hope, which hope? Which hope?”

Meanwhile, various cities in the country also witnessed protests by retirees.

In Mashhad and Orumieh, retirees gathered in front of the governorate of the regime in these cities. They carried hand written banners on which it was written: “Your table is colorful, our table is sad,” “We do not stand still until we get our rights”, “Discrimination till how long?”, “Discrimination, leave it behind the law”.

In Sari, educators held a protest rally in front of the governor’s office building in the city to match their salaries with the staff, according to the frameworks announced by the regime itself. They had banners reading: “The poverty line is our 4 million, our salary is one million”, “Every promise that they gave was all hollow.” The repressive police forces attacked the protesters, tore up their banners, and attempted to disperse them, but were faced with their resistance.

In Kermanshah, hundreds of retired teachers held protests in protest to the failure of paying their wages and salaries ion front of the retirement organization in the city. The retirees’ gathering in Khorramabad was also held in front of the regime governor’s office in the city. They demanded an increase in their salaries.

At the same time, victimized retirees of the Caspian Institute affiliated with the Revolutionary Guards also protested in Mashhad and Kerman cities.

In Mashhad, the victims had a big banner saying: “We, the depositors of the authorized Caspian Institution, will continue our legitimate sit-in until we reach our rights.” They chanted: “We have been trying for ten months, but heard nothing but lies,” “No nation has ever seen such an evil government,” “Oppression, corruption and embezzlement is the gift of our government.”

The plunder victims in Kerman, who are having a sit-in in the company’s branch office, in a symbolic act of setting an empty table that has been looted, protested this plunder. The children who accompanied their parents in this sit-in had hand written banners saying: “Forget about Myanmar, think about us!”

On the other hand, the strike of workers at the Karoon Cement Factory continues. They have been protesting since September 11 to protest the failure to pay their salaries and many months in arrears.

In Qazvin, a number of workers from the Iran Industrial Sponge Company and Nazanakh gathered in front of the governor’s office in the city for six years of inaction for their claims on arrears.

A number of protesting youths have also contested the results of this year’s university entry exams and gathered in front of the organization of higher education in Tehran. Police repressive forces fired tear gas to disperse the protesters.

The Iranian Resistance, hailing all protesting retired workers, investors whose savings have been plundered, teachers, active workers, nurses, college students and … who have been deprived of their rights in Iran under the mullahs’ rule, calls on all Iranians, especially the youth, to rise in support of these protesters. The Iranian Resistance also calls on all labor unions, teachers and retired workers in various countries, and relevant international organizations to express their solidarity with protest rallies in Iran and condemning the mullahs’ repressive and cruel policies.

Poverty, inflation, unemployment and Iran’s destroyed economy is the result of four decades of a religious fascism ruling over this country. The mullahs’ establishment allocates Iran’s national treasures and the people’s property for domestic crackdown, exporting terrorism, and nuclear and missile projects, or are plundered by the senior elite. As long as this regime is in power this crisis will only deepen and intensify.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 16, 2017