Iran: Security forces open fire on protesters in Dezful

On Saturday, February 15, in demonstrations and clashes between suppressive forces and the people and the courageous youth of Dezful a number of people were severely battered, injured and arrested.

Suppressive forces in many sections of Dezful, including Modaress district, opened fire on the people and in turn people confronted from their homes’ rooftops and clashed with them. Gunshots were heard in various districts in the city.

The regime has also sent a number of its hooligans, armed with knives and machetes, among the people in an attempt to disperse them. The number of the arrestees is estimated at hundreds.

On Firday, the plainclothes agents took pictures and film from the demonstrators and after identifying them raided their residences, arrested and transferred them to an undisclosed location.
Many of the arrests have taken place in the Vali-Abad Naghareh district in Dezful that is populated by the Bakhtiari people.

The Ministry of Intelligence and Security has sent volumes of SMS to people asking them not to take part in the anti-government demonstrations.
Thousands of people of Ezeh also joined the nationwide demonstrations on Friday, February 14, to protest the broadcast of a TV series by the regime’s main broadcaster IRIB that offended Bakhtiaris.

The protesters attacked regime’s governorate building in the city and broke its windows. They also beat up a cleric associated with the regime.

The Bakhtiaris in city of Farsan in the Chaharmahal&Bakhtiari Province also assembled on that same day in Imam-Ali Square of the city and expressed their rage of regime’s insulting act towards the Bakhtiari people.

In Masjed-Solayman and Dezful a number of Bakhtiaris assembled at regime’s so-called Friday prayer sermon and by shouting slogans and protests disrupted this despised show of the mullahs.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 15, 2014

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