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Iran: Security forces attack demonstrators

 Nationwide uprising – Statement 166

Security forces attack demonstrators with sticks, clubs, batons, tear gas and pepper gas
By setting fire to rubbish bins, the regime’s agents’ vehicles and motor cycles people confronted agents

NCRI – According to the Social Headquarters’ of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) inside the country, following vicious attacks by the regime’s agents clashes erupted between the two sides.

In Rezaii-ha Square the members of Special Forces Units using tear gas attacked the demonstrators. By setting fire to rubbish bins and the regime’s agents’ vehicles and motor cycles people confronted the agents. The atmosphere in the area remains tense.

In Takhte Tavoos T-junction by sounding their horns the drivers are showing their solidarity with the demonstrators. There are more than 10,000 demonstrators in this street. The State Security Forces have arrested ten demonstrators.

Intense clashes were going on between people and the suppressive forces in Jamalzadeh Street at the time of filing the report at 17:00 local time. A police vehicle was set on fire and people were booing the suppressive forces’ helicopter hovering over their head.

The suppressive agents started firing into the air in Azadi Street to scare off people. In defiance of attempts by suppressive forces and plainclothes agent who tried to stop the demonstration people chanted “Don’t be scared, we are all together” and continued marching from Fatemi Square to Jouybar Street and Vali Asr Street.

Around Tehran University, while Friday prayers were going on, protesters chanted “Shut the loudspeakers and listen to our voice.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 18, 2009