Iran: Secret burial of martyrs of uprising by clerical regime

Nationwide uprising in Iran – Statement 118

Mohammad Kamrani, Saeed Abasi and Massoud Hashem Zadeh are among victims

NCRI – In a bid to keep the shocking number of martyrs of the nationwide uprising secret, the clerical regime has been burying the victims secretly.

According to the Social Headquarters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) inside the country, a number of martyrs have been buried in some parts of Khavaran cemetery and others in a special section in Behesht-e Zahra cemetery.

Mohammad Kamrani, 18, was buried in Behesht-e Zahra cemetery on Saturday, July 18, according to the same source. He was arrested on July 9 near Tehran’s Vali Asr Square and taken immediately to Kahrizak prison, east of the capital. He was later transferred to the notorious Evin prison. He had to be taken to Loqman al-Dowleh hospital on July 16 as a result of severe torture. Mohammad, with clear signs of severe torture and beating with baton on his body, was tied to hospital bed to prevent him from running away. Under his family’s pressures he eventually was transferred to Mehr Hospital but treatment there failed to save his life due to severe infection and he died in less than three hours.

Saeed Abbasi, another victim of the brutal crackdown, was shot dead on June 20 by a member of paramilitary Bassij force. He was shot in the head from behind as he was closing the shop under the threat of the Bassij force. He died immediately in the arms of his shocked father.

Massoud Hashem Zadeh, 27, was shot dead on spot in Shademan Street on June 20. He was shot in the heart.

The regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security and other suppressive organs have been threatening the families of martyrs not to hold funerals for their loved ones or disclose the regime's abhorrent crimes.  

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 21, 2009

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