Iran: Savage attack for third night running on students staging sit-in at Tehran University

Nationwide uprising in Iran – Statement 20

NCRI – According to reports from Tehran, at 19:00 yesterday, the suppressive forces of the regime including plain clothes agents, Bassij paramilitary force and Ansar Hizbollah group attacked students who where staging sit-in at Tehran University. They were insulted and badly beaten up.

Nationwide uprising in Iran – Statement 20

NCRI – According to reports from Tehran, at 19:00 yesterday, the suppressive forces of the regime including plain clothes agents, Bassij paramilitary force and Ansar Hizbollah group attacked students who where staging sit-in at Tehran University. They were insulted and badly beaten up.

The attack was carried out from the main entrance of the university in coordination with the agents of the regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security based at the university and Tehran University’s president, Farhad Rahbar. This is the third attack on Tehran University in recent days. In last night’s attack, more than 100 students were wounded.

In attacks on student dormitories of Tehran University on Sunday and Monday evenings, five students were killed and a large number of them, including five female students, were wounded.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 17, 2009

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