Iran: Sanandaj residents protest death sentences against political prisoners

Ehsan Fattahian


Ehsan FattahianNationwide uprising – Statement 205

NCRI – The Iranian regime’s henchmen buried the body of Ehsan (Esma’il) Fattahian, a Kurdish activist, on Thursday evening in a remote area in the city of Kermanshah’s cemetery without informing his family, in order to prevent them from holding a burial ceremony that could be turned into the scene of anti-regime protest.  Mr. Fattahian was executed on Wednesday in Sanandaj, provincial capital of Iran’s western Kurdistan.

However, hundreds of Sanandaj residents gathered on Friday afternoon (17:00 local time) in the city’s Azadi Squre and Ferdowsi Street to protest Fattahian’s execution. They also called for the release of political prisoners facing execution and chanted “free all political prisoners” and “stop death sentences.”

The State Security Forces attacked the participants injuring a number of them. They also arrested a number of protesters and transferred them to unknown locations.

At the end of the rally, agents of the regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security attacked the residences of a number of student and civil activists and arrested them. Their fate remain unknown.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 13, 2009

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