Iran: Rooftop shouts of “God is great” and “Death to Khamenei” ring out loud across Tehran



Nationwide uprising in Iran – Statement 65

NCRI – On the nineteenth night of the Iranian people’s nationwide uprising, on Wednesday July 1, residents of various Tehran neighborhoods went to their rooftops and shouted “God is great,” “Death to dictator” and “Death to Khamenei,” to display their rage against the ruling dictatorship as well as its suppressive measures and crimes.

The mullahs’ special units, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, the paramilitary Bassij Force and plain-clothes agents, took positions on their motorcycles in various streets and neighborhoods hours before the protest chants began. The agents threw rocks and used batons to destroy property and damage homes from which the chants of “God is great” and “Death to dictator” were heard.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 2, 2009

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