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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestIran: Rezai bashes Ahmadinejad for PMOI delisting

Iran: Rezai bashes Ahmadinejad for PMOI delisting

Photo: Thousands of supporters of the Iranian resistance demonstrated on January 27, 2009 during a rally in front of the European Union council headquarters in Brussels. The rally came one day after the EU Foreign Ministers decided to remove People's Mojahedin of Iran (PMOI/MEK) from the EU terrorist list. The European Union on 26 January 2009 removed PMOI, from its blacklist, bringing an end to a long legal battle. NCRI – Former commander of the Iranian regime’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), Mohsen Rezai, who is also running for the regime’s sham presidential elections, echoed the mullahs’ never-ending fury over the removal of the main Iranian opposition, People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), from the European Union terror list, and added, “One of Ahmadinejad’s unforgivable mistakes was to neglect the progress of the PMOI’s removal from the list of terrorist groups.”

Photo: Thousands of supporters of the Iranian resistance demonstrated on January 27, 2009 during a rally in front of the European Union council headquarters in Brussels. The rally came one day after the EU Foreign Ministers decided to remove People's Mojahedin of Iran (PMOI/MEK) from the EU terrorist list. The European Union on 26 January 2009 removed PMOI, from its blacklist, bringing an end to a long legal battle. NCRI – Former commander of the Iranian regime’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), Mohsen Rezai, who is also running for the regime’s sham presidential elections, echoed the mullahs’ never-ending fury over the removal of the main Iranian opposition, People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), from the European Union terror list, and added, “One of Ahmadinejad’s unforgivable mistakes was to neglect the progress of the PMOI’s removal from the list of terrorist groups.” 

According to the state-run Mehr News Agency on May 24, Rezai also pledged, “In the event of winning the elections, I will put the Monafeqin [regime’s derogatory term for the PMOI] back on the terrorist list using judicial techniques. In this regard, I will strengthen the international law division, and form a committee made up of Iran’s foremost international law experts so that the country would get compensated for the billions of dollars in damages.”

As such, a high-ranking regime official acknowledges that billions of dollars of the Iranian people’s wealth have so far been squandered to maintain the PMOI on the terrorist list, and now he wants to use judicial techniques, which means nothing more than auctioning the people’s national wealth and inking new agreements and large-scale bribes, to influence the European countries’ judicial process.

Prior to this, former mullahs’ president, Mohammad Khatami, had noted that while it was during his own tenure that the PMOI was placed on the terror list, it was during Ahmadinejad’s term that the organization was taken off the list.

These explicit statements clearly show that, as the only threat to the regime, the PMOI and the Iranian Resistance form the most central topic for the regime and its sham presidential race.

Last year, before the PMOI was delisted in Britain, western diplomats involved in nuclear negotiations with the mullahs’ regime had stated that the clerical regime has put the suppression of the PMOI at the top of its list of priorities during talks with its foreign interlocutors.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 24, 2009

Photo: Thousands of supporters of the Iranian resistance demonstrated on January 27, 2009 during a rally in front of the European Union council headquarters in Brussels. The rally came one day after the EU Foreign Ministers decided to remove People's Mojahedin of Iran (PMOI/MEK) from the EU terrorist list. The European Union on 26 January 2009 removed PMOI, from its blacklist, bringing an end to a long legal battle.