Iran: Retirees Uprising in Various Cities Across the Country


Protesters chant: “Death to Raisi,” “Raisi, shame on you, leave the country alone,” “It’s time to morn, the mullahs are plundering the retirees’ salaries,” “We will not rest until we obtain our rights,” and “Only by taking to the street, we will obtain our rights”

In continuation of their protests in the past few months, today, August 10, 2022, for the second day running, the retirees and social security pensioners took to the streets in various cities across Iran, including Arak, Babol, Ahvaz, Kerman, Khorramabad, Isfahan, Rasht, Dezful, Shush, and Shushtar, outside the provincial social security offices. The retirees asked for their salaries, plundered by the mullahs, and protested the regime’s disregard of their demands.

In the gatherings yesterday and today, the retirees chanted: “Death to Raisi,” “Raisi, shame on you, leave the country alone,” “It’s time to morn, the mullahs are plundering the retirees’ salaries,” “Death to Mokhber (Raisi’s vice president),” “We will not rest, until we obtain our rights,” “They (officials) made lots of hollow promises, but they were all empty promises,” “Neither the government nor the parliament, care about the nation,” “Enough discrimination and suppression, our tables are empty,” “With 100% inflation rate, how can one live with 10% rise in salaries,” “Only by taking to the street, we will obtain our rights,” “Inflation, high prices, are taking people’s lives,” “livelihood is our inalienable right,” “Free medical care is our inalienable right.”

Today, the Iran Air pensioners gathered outside the “Social Security fund” offices and the central offices of Mehrabad Airport (the second largest airport in Tehran) in protest against regime’s disregard for their demands. The Kermanshah Province truck drivers also protested against the increase in fuel and spare parts prices and switched off their trucks outside the governor’s offices.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), hailed the freedom-loving retires and pensioners who once again took to the streets in different cities of the country to demand their basic rights. She said: By chanting scathing slogans against Raisi, the henchman of the 1988 massacre, they emphasized the fact that until this regime is in power, poverty, high prices, corruption, and unemployment will continue and intensify, and the only way out is to get rid of the clerical regime and establish freedom and democracy.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

August 10, 2022

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