Iran: Residents of Mashhad protest against assets plundered by regime-backed institutes


Dozens of demonstrators arrested

Over 1,000 protesters rallied in Mashhad (northeast Iran) on Thursday, May 12, protesting the plundering of their assets and property by corrupt institutes backed by the mullahs’ regime. The demonstrators were furious over how their hardly obtained assets and property is being stolen by the regime’s institutions, including the companies of Padideh Shandiz, Mizan, Pardisian, Tabarrok, Thamen al-Hojaj, Arman and Badr Tous. The protesters also demanded their stolen assets be returned.

This gathering, held in response to a previous call, was staged in Mashhad’s Taghi Abad Avenue and the protesters marched towards the governorate office. Other areas of Mashhad, including Ahmad Abad and Malak Abad witnessed similar rallies.

This gathering was held at a time when the mullahs’ regime had stationed a large number of repressive police in Taghi Abad Avenue and the vicinity, intensifying attempts to cement a climate of fear aimed at preventing any protest rally forming. Regime officials and authorities resorted to closing cinemas and public centers in the region in an attempt to prevent other people from joining the protesters.

Following the protesters rallying outside the regime’s governorate office, repressive police units attacked the crowd to disperse the protesters, resorting to firing pepper gas canisters. Dozens of individuals whose assets and property were plundered were arrested by the police and transferred to an unknown location.

One protester, hopeless after losing all his assets and property, intended to set himself and his children ablaze. Other protesters intervened and prevented the man from doing so.

Various factions of the mullahs’ regime are continuously shedding light on the tip of the iceberg of extortion cases and mammoth wealth accumulated by regime officials, all stolen from Iran’s national wealth. However, the vast majority of the Iranian people have been completely deprived from the national wealth. To add insult to injury, they are witnessing the results of years of painstaking work being plundered by a regime engulfed in corruption and crimes.

The Iranian Resistance calls on all the Iranian people and brave youths to actively participate in these protests and provide their support and solidarity with these families who face extremely difficult conditions as their assets have been plundered by the regime.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 13, 2016

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