Iran: “Khamenei is a murderer, his rule is illegitimate,” protestors chant in Tehran

 File Photo: "Down with Khamenei" on a public busFebruary 11 Uprising – Statement no. 10

Chants of “death to dictator” and “Khamenei is a murderer, his rule is illegitimate” at Imam Hossein Square, Ferdowsi and Arya Shahr in Tehran

NCRI – At Tehran’s Ferdowsi Square, more than 4,000 brave people and youths have staged protests with the chants of “death to dictator,” and “honorable Iranian, support us, support us.”

The eruption of anti-regime slogans by the fearless protestors can also be heard at Imam Hossein Square and surrounding areas.

The suppressive State Security Forces (SSF) have opened fire on the large crowds protesting at Arya Shahr. A number of people have been injured. Protestors chanted, “Khamenei is a murderer, his rule is illegitimate.”

A large number of people have staged a protest gathering starting from Shahrak Apadana towards Mohammad Ali Jenah Highway.

The regime’s agents have established complete control over the South and Khazaneh bus terminals, preventing people to travel into central Tehran from those areas.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 11, 2010

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