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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestIran: Protests of Workers, Farmers, Educators, Students and Other Deprived Classes

Iran: Protests of Workers, Farmers, Educators, Students and Other Deprived Classes


Iran uprising – No. 120

On Tuesday and Wednesday, March 13th and 14th, in addition to the protests of the uprising youth at the ceremony of Chaharshanbeh Suri (Fire Festival), the protests of fed up people continued:

1. On Tuesday, March 13, students from universities of Tehran, Allameh Tabatabai and Science and Technology, protested against the suppression of students and their arrest in the January uprising and the issuance of heavy sentences to them. Students at the University of Tehran presented a demonstration about suppression. They wrote on the banners they carried that “Evin Prison accepts students!” In a symbolic act, Allameh students staged a funeral ceremony for the “body of the student movement”. Students in Science and Technology carried a placard saying: “Imprisoned student should be freed; prison is not a place where students should be; and student dies, but does not tolerate humilation.”

2. On March 14, Ahvaz steel workers held their protest in front of Ahvaz Governorate for the twenty-third day. The workers chanted slogans against the government and in favor of the workers’ rights. The protesters formed a human chain in the streets leading to the governorate and demanded the presence of governor.

ate for the twenty-third day. The workers chanted slogans against the government and in favor of the workers’ rights. The protesters formed a human chain in the streets leading to the governorate and demanded the presence of governor.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9q3OUlstCvs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kn7BWcrrZMg

3. Farmers in the eastern villages of Isfahan who demand their rights to water of Zayandeh Rood river continued their sit-ins and protest at the shore of the river.

4. Farmers in the Sheikh Ajam village in the Fath al-Mubin district of Shoosh called for the allocation of agricultural water to their farms by gathering at water gates.

5. A group of educators and their families were arrested in protest at the arrest of Mohammad Habibi, the teacher who was arrested at his school in Shahriar.

6. Workers in Phase 14 of South Pars in Kangan went on strike in protest of the failure to pay their delayed salaries.

7. Workers at the Hafez Tile Factory in Shiraz, who have received no salaries for one year, set up a protest rally in front of the governor’s office.

8. Iranian metallurgical powder workers in Qazvin gathered in front of the governorate in protest against the non-payment of their salaries for six months as well as their New Year bonus.

9. A group of Qazvin meter producing factory workers who have been deprived of their salaries and benefits and have not received their New Year bonuses of 2016 and 2017 protested in the factory premises.

10. Persian Gulf Hospital personnel in Bushehr gathered to protest against the non- payment of their delayed salary.

11. Protest gathering of drivers of Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company in front of the municipality and city council continues after four weeks. They demand the delivery of their houses they have paid for five years ago.
12. On Tuesday, port service workers of the Khomeini Port ferry company gathered in front of the General Directorate of Ports and Maritime of Khuzestan Province. They object to a bill that reduces the salaries of the sailors and other workers of the company from the beginning of the Iranian new year. According to this bill, the fee for service of 400 sailors and simple workers of the company, which ranges from 500,000 to 1 million tomans (one quarter or one eighth of the poverty line), will be even less, and the workers will be in a much worse situation.

13. The people looted by Caspian Institute in Rasht gathered in front of the Golsar Branch of the Institute. They chanted: “Iran’s banks are thieves; they steal your money”; “Demand of every Iranian: Rohani’s impeachment”; “We do not want promises; we want our money”.

14. Dismissed employees of the Gachsaran oil and gas company gathered outside the building of the company in protest at expulsion, several months of uncertainty, and lack of payment of their delayed salary.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 16, 2018