Iran: Protests in front of the regime’s TV and radio station

February 11 Uprising – Statement no. 18

Protests in front of the regime’s TV and radio building with the chants of “death to dictator” and “Khamenei is a murderer, his rule is illegitimate”

NCRI – The crowd of protestors in front of the Jam-e Jam building (state-run radio and TV) reached 4-5 thousand people by the afternoon today. There were clashes and hit and runs between people on the one hand and a throng of regime agents on the other. People chanted “death to dictator” and “Khamenei is a murderer, his rule is illegitimate.” Some were carrying lit torches.

The State Security Forces (SSF) had sealed off the entire Mossaddeq Street from the north and prevented inflow of traffic. But starting from the south side, half of the street was occupied by protestors.

On the Azadi-Enghelab route, brave youths were distributing Iranian flags missing the regime’s official emblem at the center. Anti-riot forces arrested people carrying these flags and interrogated them on the streets. Smoke of tear gas and scenes of clashes have filled Enghelab Street.

Unprecedentedly dense populations of suppressive forces had amassed from the beginning of Karimkhan Street all the way to the intersection of Palestine-Keshavarz. The regime’s plainclothes agents were also on buses on Haft Tir Street heading towards Arya Shahr district, monitoring the number of people going towards Arya Shahr and using two-way radios to communicate constant updates.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 11, 2010

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