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Iran: Protests by university students in different cities

Student Day protests – No. 3

NCRI – This morning on the occasion of Student Day, students at Free University of Qazvin staged a demonstration in “Ghalam” and “Sa’at” squares while chanting “Death to the dictator” and “Allahu Akbar”. The demonstration was supported and welcomed by local residents, especially the employees of government offices near the university. The agents of the Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) attacked the students in order to arrest some of them, but they were faced with the students’ protest and slogans.


Yesterday, the students at Esfahan University of Technology clashed with suppressive forces. A female student called Mina Saadat was arrested. Bassij agents who have occupied the university campus since Saturday checked the students’ IDs and questioned them.

Also yesterday in western city of Yasouj, 20 students were arrested for defending three female students who had been insulted by the regime’s agents under the pretext of mal-veiling.

On December 5, the dormitory of female students in Golestan province was set on fire. The regime accused the students with burning the Koran.

Further, on the eve of Student Day and simultaneous with Ahmadinejad’s trip to Arak, people of Arak staged a protest. Protesters continued their gathering in Malek Street till late in the evening. The regime’s agents attacked protesters with batons. People broke the shield of a police vehicle by hurling stones. The agents attacked anyone taking photos or films.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 7, 2010