Iran: Protests and clashes in Jomhouri Street and Square in central Tehran

National Council of Resistance of Iran


July 9 uprising – Statement 7

NCRI – Protests and clashes continue in various parts of Tehran. Many young people protested in Jomhouri Street, chanting “Death to the dictator” and “Shah Supreme Leader, your life has come to an end”.

At 17.30 local time, groups of Revolutionary Guards and paramilitary Bassij surrounded Jomhouri Square to prevent people from heading towards Enghelab Street and Enghelab Square. Suppressive forces used vehicles to blockade the road to prevent other vehicles from moving towards Enghelab Square.

The suppressive forces are attacking people with batons and tear gas. A group of agents of the Ministry of Intelligence and Security who are in civilian clothes in order not to be identified are filming the protestors and taking photos to frighten them and discourage them from continuing with the demonstration. But in spite of this the young people are marching toward Enghelab Square through side roads chanting ‘death to the dictator.’ The suppressive forces have forced local shops to close down so that people could not take refuge.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 9, 2009

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