Iran: Protesters set ablaze 50 gas stations

In protests against the Iranian regime, people in Tehran set ablaze many security forces vehicles, and government buildings, and at least 50 gas stations

Additional demonstrations in Isfahan, Mazandaran, Golestan, as well as East and West Azarbaijan Provinces
According to the latest reports, during last night’s demonstrations in Iran, and the ensuing conflicts with the Iranian regime’s security forces, the Iranian people and youths set ablaze many government building, security forces’ vehicles, and as many as 50 gas stations at various locations in Tehran.

Demonstrators shouted anti-government slogans such as “Guns, tanks, fireworks; Ahmadinejad must be killed,” according to Reuters news agency from Tehran.
The protests and demonstrations continued into the morning hours in many areas of the capital, including Azadi, Saharvardi, Piroozi, Imam Hossein, and Tehran-No streets.

To crackdown on the protests and prevent them from spreading into other areas, the regime dispatched its suppressive forces, including the Revolutionary Guards, the Bassij paramilitary force, State Security Forces, and intelligence agents into the streets.  As a result, scores of people were arrested and/or injured. A few of the wounded are in critical condition.  

In a number of areas, youths confronted the anti-riot units of the State Security Forces by rocks and sticks causing them to retreat.

In addition to the protests in Tehran following last night’s government announcement regarding the fuel rationing deadline, people in the provinces of Isfahan, Mazandaran, Golestan as well as East and West Azarbaijan, took part in similar demonstrations. Youths in these regions destroyed many gas stations and vehicles belonging to the regime’s suppressive forces.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, praised the anti-government protests of the people and youths of Tehran and other Iranian cities. She emphasized that the clerical regime’s policies have only resulted in increasing the hardships of the Iranian people, especially the poor and those with fixed wages. She added that as long as the illegitimate regime remains in power, the Iranian people will not be free from poverty, hunger, violent suppression, arrests, and public torture, since the clerical regime squanders the nation’s financial, technological and industrial resources into its nuclear program, procurement of arms, export of terrorism and Islamic fundamentalism, as well as its domestic suppressive apparatus.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 27, 2007

PHOTOS: Angry Iranian youths torched petrol stations in Tehran

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