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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestIRAN: Protesters Chant “Death to Khamenei” as Protests Spread to Many Cities

IRAN: Protesters Chant “Death to Khamenei” as Protests Spread to Many Cities

Uprising of the people of Tehran with the slogans: Death to Khamenei; Death to the principle of Velayat-e Faqih;

 Iran Uprising -No. 177

Uprising of the people of Tehran with the slogans: Death to Khamenei; Death to the principle of Velayat-e Faqih; Beware of the day we get armed

Uprising has spread to various cities such as Bandar Abbas, Shahriar, Karaj, Kashan, Qeshm, Shiraz, Kermanshah, and Mashhad

The capital. Today’s in ‘s Bazaar has spilled onto the streets. Ppl are angry over regime’s economic policies. Baazar Traders Protest for 2nd Day Against Rising Foreign Currencies Exchange Rate
Protesters chanting: “DEATH TO DICTATOR”, DEATH TO KHA,ENEI”

— NCRI-FAC (@iran_policy) June 25, 2018

The repressive forces raided the protesters in different parts of the city and sought to disperse them by shooting into the air and firing tear gas. Brave young people defended themselves by throwing stones and bricks and returning tear gas among the mercenaries. They set fire to motorcycles and trash bins to block the repressive forces in front of the regime’s parliament in Baharestan Square, in Istanbul intersection and in Ferdowsi Street. A young boy suffered a stroke due to the severity of the blows by the riot guard mercenaries. A number of attackers were punished and a number of police kiosks and motorcycles of riot police were set on fire.

Strike and protest have spread to many other cities, including Bandar Abbas, Shahriar, Karaj, Kashan, Bandar Qeshm, Shiraz, Kermanshah and Mashhad. Demonstrations in Bandar Abbas turned into a clash and protesters burned tires for neutralizing tear gas.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, saluted the uprising of Bazaar merchants and the youths in Tehran and various cities, and called on all the people throughout the country to support the Bazaar merchants and the demonstrators.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 25, 2018

