Iran: People’s slogans are “Down with dictator,” “Down with Khamenei”

Hurling stones is 'waging war' on regime and deserves death sentence - mullahs’ Judiciary DeputyFebruary 11 uprising – no 2

Iran: People’s slogans are “Down with dictator,” “Down with Khamenei” and “Death to the principle of vali-e faqih”

According to the Social Headquarters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) inside the country, one of the websites affiliated to a rival faction within the clerical regime, has called on the participants in the uprising on February 11 to chant slogans in favor of Khomeini and Mohammad Khatami, mullahs’ former president.

These kinds of slogans have nothing to do with the Iranian people but relates to those who are within the regime and support mullahs’ rule. Khomeini is the highjacker of the Iranian revolution, the biggest dictator of contemporary era, and responsible for some of the greatest catastrophes happened to the people of Iran. Khatami is an impostor who had held key posts within the regime since its inception and has been responsible for suppression, executions, censorship and repression. In view of the facts, they are both hated by people.

People’s slogans, as everyone could hear in Ashura uprising (December 27), are “Down with dictator,” “Down with Khamenei” and “Death to the principle of vali-e faqih (absolute rule of clergy)” and these will be the slogans on February 11 uprising.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 10, 2010


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