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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestIran: People join student protest

Iran: People join student protest

 Nationwide uprising in Iran – Statement 175

Thousands of Tehran residents gathered outside Sharif University in support of students’ courageous protest against the regime’s Minister of Science visiting the University. They joined the students in chanting “Death to dictator.” A large number of State Security Forces and agents of the Ministry of Intelligence and Security are trying to prevent people from joining them. Students and people were chanting in unison “Sharif [students] will die but will not be humiliated.”

In the meantime, students from Open University in Tehran staged a protest against the clerical regime by chanting “Death to dictator.”

Thousands of students in Tehran University staged an anti-government demonstration yesterday in protest to the presence of Kamran Daneshjoo, mullahs’ Minister of Science, at the new academic year opening ceremony of the University.

Simultaneous with the students, families of those detained during the nationwide uprising staged two separate gatherings in Tehran; outside the regime’s court and the notorious Evin prison. They are protesting against arbitrary arrests of their children and relatives and demanding their unconditional release.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 29, 2009