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Iran: On the Tenth Night of the Uprising, Tehran Was the Scene of Demonstrations and Clashes Between People and Repressive Forces


Iran Protest-No. 17

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Last night, on the 10th day of the uprising, Tehran was the center of rebellion and confrontation between the protesters and many Revolutionary Guards (IRGC), paramilitary Basij, State Security Force (SSF), Intelligence and plainclothes agents.

The youth demonstrated in dozens of areas by lighting fires and creating barriers to block the movement of the repressive forces. The protesters resisted the repressive forces’ onslaught and continued their demonstrations. Some districts that were the scene of protests and clashes included Ekbatan, Sazman Ab Street, Narmak, Punak, Modares, Habibullah, Haft Howz Narmak, Islamshahr, Sadeghieh, Sattar Khan, Quds Square, Tehran University dormitory and Tehransar.

Amid the gunfire and tear gas, demonstrators in Ekbatan chanted, “Death to Basiji,” “Be afraid, be afraid, we are all together,” and “Death to the dictator.” Tehran’s Sadeghieh district was also the scene of clashes between the youth, IRGC, and Basij forces. In Punak, despite the heavy presence of the regime’s suppressive forces, the demonstration continued until late at night. Demonstrators chanted, “Proud Iranians, support! support!”. In Narmak, youths clashed with suppressive forces while chanting “Death to the dictator.” On Sazman Ab Street, young people hurled Molotov cocktails at the motorbikes of agents. The crowd chanted, “sham on the disgraced leader (Khamenei),” “Nobel Iranians, support, support,” and “This year, Seyyed Ali will be overthrown”. In Haft Howz Narmak Square, a large crowd demonstrated chanting, “I will kill whoever killed my sister.”

In Islamshahr in Tehran province, the SSF tried to stop the demonstration by opening fire on the crowd, but they faced the resistance and persistence of the rebel youth. In Sattar Khan, a large crowd demonstrated chanting “Death to Khamenei,” “This year is a year of sacrifice. Seyyed Ali (Khamenei) will be overthrown,” and “Khamenei is a murderer; his rule is null and void”. In Tehransar, two young men hurled Molotov cocktails at the motorbikes of the suppressive forces who were attacking the demonstrators.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), saluted Tehran University students chanting, “Free all political prisoners,” and hailed the rebellious youth in different areas of Tehran confronting the repressive forces and forcing them to retreat, and said, yes, we will take back Iran, this is the will of the Iranian people, and it will definitely come true.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

September 26, 2022