Iran Nationwide Uprising – Day 93


Iran Protest-No. 194

Oil industry employees strike in Ahvaz, Asaluyeh, Ilam, Khark, Mahshahr, and Gachsaran

On Saturday, December 17, the 93rd day of the uprising, oil industry employees went on strike in Ahvaz, Asaluyeh, Tang Bijar in Ilam, Khark Island, Gachsaran, and Mahshahr. In Ahvaz, the employees of the oil industry gathered Outside the “National Iranian South Oilfield Company.” Employees of Operational Regions of the Oil Industry staged a protest in Asaluyeh. In Gachsaran, oil industry employees staged a picket line chanting “We’ve had enough promises, we have no food.” In Khark Island, firefighters joined the oil industry employees in their protest.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi hailed the oil industry workers who went on strike in solidarity with the nationwide uprising and said that the only way to achieve the rights of workers and toilers is to overthrow the Velayat-e faqih system (absolute rule of clergy), which has brought nothing but oppression, discrimination, embezzlement, and corruption.

In memory of the two martyrs of the uprising, Majidreza Rahnavard, and Mohsen Shekari, the defiant youths of Kermanshah set fire to the hideout of two regime agents and the seminary in Golpayegan, central Iran, by Molotov cocktails.

Defiant youths in Tehran chanted “Death to Khamenei” in the subway. In Shiraz, the medical students of Shiraz University held a protest rally in support of one of the imprisoned students who was charged as Mohareb (at war with God) and demanded his release. Students of the Academy of Fine Arts in Kermanshah protested chanting “We have not made the sacrifice to compromise and praise the murderous leader” and “They took our Negin (fellow student), and returned her corpse.”

The prisoners of Karaj Central Prison in several wards protested against taking four prisoners for execution and blocked the entrance to prevent the agents from coming in. They were chanting “Death to Khamenei.” The suppressive forces brutally attacked and opened fire on the prisoners leaving a large number of them wounded.

On Friday, the young people in Marvdasht, attacked the city’s seminary using improvised bombs. In Kermanshah, the youths set fire to a poster carrying the picture of Qassem Soleimani, former defunct Commander of the Quds force. On Friday evening, cries of “Death to the dictator” echoed from the buildings of Tehran’s Monirieh district.

The burial ceremony of Donya Farhadi, a 22-year-old female student of the Azad University of Ahvaz, was held on Friday with a large crowd in Rozeh Al-Zahra Cemetery in Izeh. The regime’s suppressive agents kidnapped Donya Farhadi and subsequently threw her dead body in the Karun river.

The state-run website Tabnak wrote on December 16: “According to the statement of the Isfahan Province IRGC, 23 cybercriminals … who sought to incite young people to participate in riots and also, in line with the enemies, called for forced strikes, carried out extensive activities in cyberspace and by spreading false information, they sought to create a sense of hopelessness and despair among the people, were arrested, and their Instagram was blocked and additional punishments were issued.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

December 17, 2022

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