Iran Nationwide Uprising – Day 88


Iran Protest-No. 189

Demonstration against the execution of Majidreza Rahnavard

After it was announced that Majidreza Rahnavard had been executed, despite strict security measures in Mashhad, people gathered at his grave and laid flowers on Monday, December 12, the 88th day of the uprising. They chanted, “Dear of Homeland” and “Martyr of Homeland” and staged gatherings in various parts of Mashhad. Tehran was the stage of demonstrations with chants of “You took Majidreza and brought back his body.” In this regard, students protested at Sharif, Allameh, and Melli universities in Tehran and Noshirvani University in Babol.

University students of Tehran Fine Arts School of Music performed a folk song which is about declaring war and taking up arms. Students at Sharif University honored the memory of Mohsen Shekari and Majidreza Rahnavard in the Ibn Sina building by lighting candles and installing photos of these martyrs of the uprising. University students in Babol also installed photos of the two martyrs in the classrooms and corridors of the university. In protest of the executions of the rebellious youths and suspension and banning of students, the students of Allameh University’s Faculty of Literature gathered and chanted slogans such as “Hail to slain martyrs, Navid (Afkari), Mohsen (Shekari) and other comrades”, “Freedom, Freedom, Freedom,” and “We don’t want a security(-monitored) university.” Students protested in Mashhad, Shiraz, and Jakigur Rask in Sistan and Baluchistan provinces.

On Monday night, brave people in different cities, including Tehran and Mashhad, took to the streets and chanted, “This is the last message, if you execute, there will be an uprising!” In Tehran’s Ekbatan settlement, people staged a night demonstration and chanted, “If one person is killed, a thousand people will rise.” Residents in the Jannat Abad district in Tehran held a night demonstration chanting, “Death to the dictator” and in another area of Tehran they chanted, “Dirty Khamenei, the perpetrator of every crime.” Other parts of Tehran, including Narmak, Sattarkhan, and Chitgar, were the scene of demonstrations against the execution of Majidreza Rahnavard, where people chanted, “Khamenei is a murderer, his rule is illegitimate”, “Khamenei, the head of ISIS,” and “We know well who is in charge; IRGC and ISIS are the same.” In the Heshmatieh district of Tehran, anti-government slogans could be heard from the buildings.

Residents of Mashhad held a night protest in the Ahmadabad region. Brave youths of Mashhad demonstrated in the streets chanting, “Basij and IRGC, you are the same as ISIS.”  Chants of “Khamenei is a murderer, his rule is illegitimate” echoed from the tall buildings of Mashhad.

On Tuesday morning, the people of Javanrood came to the street and gathered outside the governor’s office to protest the arrest of the Sunni Friday prayer Imam in the Hamzeh Mosque and the sealing of the shops of protesters by the regime’s repressive forces.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

December 13, 2022



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