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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestIran Nationwide Uprising - Day 62

Iran Nationwide Uprising – Day 62


Iran Protest-No. 134

NCRI logoMass bazaar strikes, protests, clashes in Tehran and other cities

On Wednesday morning, November 16, the 62nd day of the uprising, strikes in bazaars in Tehran and at least 45 other cities continued for the second day running. In addition, many cities and universities witnessed protests, sit-ins, strikes, and clashes with suppressive forces.

In Tehran, merchants in the Grand Bazaar, Sepahsalar, Crystal Sellers, Naziabad and a number of other bazaars continued with their strikes. The Iron Monger Sellers Bazaar joined the strike today. Protesters lit tires and engaged in hit-and-run clashes with the regime’s agents who fired tear gas at them. Office Suppliers Bazaar in Iranshahr Street and Crystal Sellers Bazaar in Shush shut down and went on strike.

The bazaars in Rasht, Anzali, Lahijan, Someh Sara, Sari, Gorgan, Babol, Tabriz, Mashhad, Arak, Qazvin, Isfahan, Zarinshahr, Najafabad, Fuladshahr, Falaverjan, Abdanan, Shahinshahr, Kermanshah, Sanandaj, Mahabad, Marivan, Bukan, Baneh, Saqqez, Oshnavieh, Javanrud, Qorveh, Ravansar, Kamyaran, Bijar, Yasuj, Divandareh, Miandoab, Khorramabad, Borujerd, Yazd, Kazerun, Marvdasht, Eqlid, Behbahan, Ahvaz, Bandar Abbas, Ganaveh, Borujen, Kerman, Rask, Iranshahr, etc., most of which were on strike yesterday, continued their strike today despite the regime’s threats.

In Mashhad, car repair shops in Aqdasiyeh went on strike and joined demonstrations. They attacked suppressive agents of the State Security Force (SSF) by hurling rocks and lighting fire in the middle of the boulevard.

In Isfahan, the Grand, Household Appliances, Hakim Nezami, Chaharbagh Abbasi, Mobile Phone, Zarin Shahr and Fuladshahr bazaars went on strike. Goldsmiths’ bazaars in Ahvaz and Bandar Abbas joined the strike. In Shiraz, Bazaar Shahr Complex and other shops were on strike. In Sari, all the bazaars and shops, except pharmacies, went on strike. The strike of Esfahan Steel Company workers entered its second day. The bazaar merchants in Iranshahr staged a rally chanting, “Death to Khamenei.”

In Tehran, people demonstrated while chanting, “Death to Khamenei, death to the principle of Velayat Faqih” in Darvazeh Dowlat Subway and other parts of the city such as Daneshjoo Park, Shush Street, Baha’i Street, Bostan Commercial Complex chanting anti-government slogans. Kamyaran was the scene of hit-and-run clashes with the regime’s agents. Protesters were chanting “Martyr never dies” and “Death to suppressive agents” as they marched toward Farhangsara and near the home of Fuad Mohammadi, murdered by the regime’s agents, and clashed with the agents. A number of protesters were shot and wounded.

On Wednesday morning in Bandar Abbas, protesters attacked suppressive forces and made them flee away. In Bukan, protesters blocked Muhammad Rasulallah Blvd by lighting fire. In Mahabad, youths clashed with suppressive forces. Dowlat Abad and Diesel Abad districts of Kermanshah and Someh Sara witnessed demonstrations and clashes with suppressive forces.

Students in Tehran universities of Tarbiat Modares, Pars Art and Architecture, Khajeh Nasir, and Faculty of Research Sciences, and in Medical Sciences universities of Sanandaj and Qazvin, universities of Azad in Tabriz, Shahrood, etc. also demonstrated today. They chanted slogans such as “We pledge to the blood of our comrades – we will stand until the end,” “If a student is suspended, the entire university will be shot down,” “1500 were killed in November (2019),” “I will not attend any lecture until I gain my rights,” “For every fallen person, one thousand will rise.” Students of Khajeh Nasir University in Tehran chanted, “We don’t want an IRGC University “. Students of Pars University of Art and Architecture chanted “We have no bread, no home, hijab is only a pretext.” In Shiraz, there was a clash in front of the medical faculty between people and suppressive forces who were trying to arrest a woman. In other parts of Tehran, school students demonstrated in the streets. Schoolgirls in Nezamabad of Tehran protested by blocking the street, and in Shiraz protested while chanting anti-government slogans.

Unable in ending or containing the nationwide uprising, the inhumane regime of the mullahs, has resorted to issuing death sentences to the detainees of the uprising. Today, the state-run Mehr news agency wrote: “As the investigations into the case of rioters and disrupters of security in Tehran’s Revolutionary Court continues,” three more people were “sentenced to death in Tehran.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

November 16, 2022