Iran Nationwide Uprising, Night Protests – Day 55


Iran Protest-No. 121

Iran Nationwide Uprising, Night Protests – Day 55

On the 55th night of the uprising, widespread protests across the country in support of Zahedan, honoring its 40th day of martyrs

On Wednesday night, November 9, the 55th night of the uprising, people in different parts of Tehran and other cities honored the 40th day of the victims of the Zahedan massacre. They staged nightly demonstrations chanting “Death to Khamenei,” blocked the streets by lighting fires, and confronted the suppressive forces. Many areas of Tehran, including Sadeghieh, Sattar Khan, Shahr Theater subway station, Qolhak, Sohrvardi, Bagh Feiz, Enghelab, Saadat Abad, Haft Hoz in Narmak, Zibashahr, Armenian district, Central Payambar, Vali-e Asr, and Ariashahr were scenes of nightly demonstrations. People in Sadeghieh and Shahr Theater metro stations clashed with suppressive forces who fired tear gas and opened fire at them. In Haft Hoz of Narmak, youths set fire to several government premises.

Simultaneously, in Zahedan, Mashhad, Isfahan, Shiraz, Qahdarijan, Mahabad, Saqqez, Arak, Rasht, Sanandaj, Bandar Abbas, Bukan, Kermanshah, Shahr Kurd, Karaj, Jam in Bushehr province, etc., people held nightly demonstrations and blocked the roads by lighting fires. There were clashes with suppressive forces in many cities. In their protests, people chanted, “Zahedan, Zahedan, the love of Iran,” “Death to the dictator,” “Death to Khamenei, damned be Khomeini,” “It is the 40th day of Chahbahar, my compatriot is alert,” “From Zahedan to Tehran, my life for Iran,” “Poverty, corruption, high prices – We are going for regime change,” “This year, is a year of sacrifice, Seyyed Ali (Khamenei) will be overthrown,” “Death to the oppressor, be it the Shah or the Leader (Khamenei),” “Their promises are fake, their answer is a revolution,” “Our money is in Lebanon, our youth are in jail,” “Freedom, freedom, freedom,” “Death to the Supreme Leader after many long years of crimes,” “Basij force, this is the end of you,” “Tanks and guns – under the robe of the leader (Khamenei)” and many others.

In Shir Abad of Zahedan, youths blocked the road by lighting fire. Sanandaj turned into the scene of clashes with the suppressive forces, who opened fire on the people. The youth in Bukan took over the streets and the youth in Mahabad took control of several neighborhoods. In Mashhad, the demonstrators carried the pictures of martyrs of Zahedan, and women staged nightly demonstrations while chanting “Death to the dictator” and “Death to Khamenei.” The youth set fire to a repressive Basij base and a large pro-regime banner in Mashhad. In Bushehr, youths threw Molotov cocktails at a Basij base, and in Jam of Bushehr, they set fire to the office of the Friday prayers’ leader, who represents Ali Khamenei.

Qahdarijan of Isfahan witnessed a fierce clash between the youths and members of the State Security Force, and streets were covered by smoke and fire. SSF agents opened fire on the people using pellet guns. Protesters responded by throwing Molotov cocktails.

The protesters in Bandar Abbas chanted, “Fight, fight, what are you waiting for” and clashed with the SSF agents outside the children’s hospital. The young people torched three motorcycles of the suppressive forces. In Shiraz, people clashed with the regime’s agents shouting at them, “Shame, shame,….” In Arak, youths clashed with the suppressive forces in Malek Street, who fired tear gas at them.

On Wednesday night, the body of Faeq Mam Qaderi, who had died in Urmia hospital due to gunshot wounds, arrived in Mahabad. Local residents gathered outside his home and staged a protest chanting, “The martyr is always alive.”

Amir Kiomars Heydari, Commander of the regime’s Army Ground Forces, said: “If these flies (humiliating term used for protesters) are not dealt with, it is the will of the leader of the revolution, but the day he issues the order to deal with them, they will definitely have no place in the country.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

November 10, 2022

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