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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestIran Nationwide Uprising – Day 176

Iran Nationwide Uprising – Day 176

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Iran Protest – No. 245

NCRI logoMass demonstrations in Zahedan:

“No monarchy, no mullahs’ rule, we want democracy, equality”

On Friday, March 10, on the 176th day of the nationwide uprising, once again the large crowd of Zahedan worshipers, demonstrated in the streets after the Friday prayer despite suppressive measures. Demonstrators were chanting “Freedom, Freedom, Freedom”, “Death to Child-killing rulers”, “No monarchy, no mullahs’ rule, we want democracy, equality”, “I will kill whoever killed my brother”, “We are all warriors, we pledge to fight on” and “Release political prisoners”. They carried placards that read: “My martyred brother, I will take your revenge”.

On Thursday, Bazaar merchants and shopkeepers went on strike in the cities of Iranshahr and Rask. Brave women in the city of Khash held a protest rally on the occasion of March 8, International Women’s Day, chanting “Freedom of expression is our inalienable right” and carried placards demanding the release of Mowlavi Abdul Majid, a Sunni clerical leader, and other political prisoners. Baluchi girls carried placards that read: “No to summons, no to prison, no to kidnapping” and “No to execution”.

On Thursday, a large crowd attended the commemoration ceremony of Kian Pirfalak, a 10-year-old boy who was killed four months ago in Izeh by the IRGC. Participants were chanting “Death to the dictator”, “Death to Khamenei” and “Death to the child-killing rulers”.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

March 10, 2023