Iran Nationwide Uprising – Day 153

Iran Protests February 15 2023 1000

Iran Protest-No. 239

Basij base targeted in Karaj, protest gatherings in Tehran, Tabriz, Qom, and Bandar Abbas, nightly demonstrations in Mahabad

On Wednesday evening, February 15, the 153rd night of the nationwide uprising, defiant young people in the Mohammad Shahr neighborhood of Karaj targeted the Basij base of Homayoun Villa by throwing Molotov cocktails.

On Tuesday evening, the youths in Dehlran, who tried to destroy the statue in Basij Square, clashed with the regime’s security agents. Two of the youths and two security and Basij agents were wounded in the clash.

In Tehran, the slogans “Death to Khamenei” and “Death to the dictator” echoed from the buildings in different parts, including Bagheri township, Niavaran, and Narmak neighborhoods.

In Mahabad, the young people lit a fire in the street and staged a nightly demonstration and chanted, “Death to the dictator” and “No to the mullah, no to Shah, we want governance by councils.”

On Wednesday in Tehran, pensioners and those receiving social security protested outside the regime’s parliament against the poor living conditions and the regime’s disregard for their demands. The employees of Bandar Abbas Shipyard went on strike and gathered in protest against their outstanding salaries and benefits.

On Tuesday, the families of female students who have been poisoned in Qom schools since December held a protest rally outside the governorate’s office.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

February 16, 2023

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